Before working for WBUR, I hosted the national daily program Marketplace Tech from American Public Media and Marketplace, reaching two million listeners around the country. At Marketplace I also conceptualized and launched APM’s premier digital-first podcast, Codebreaker, in partnership with Business Insider. Codebreaker was hailed as the first completely bingeable podcast, pushing the envelope of the medium with embedded secret codes in each episode, requiring the listener to unlock subsequent episodes by cracking codes. At Marketplace, my reporting was regularly heard on Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal, The Marketplace Morning Report with David Brancaccio, The BBC, and published in The New York Times.
Before joining Marketplace I worked at Slate, writing about culture and technology for the site’s Future Tense blog and Slate’s news blog The Slatest. I also managed a original content partnership between Slate and YouTube, directing the creation of daily news videos covering politics, technology, science, and culture, helping the company amass 35 million subscribers to its YouTube channel.
I previously worked for WNYC as a producer, reporter, and digital editor, both for The Takeaway and the WNYC newsroom. I brought some of the first reporting of Occupy Wall Street to New York Public Radio’s airwaves, sleeping in Zuccotti Park, and following the protests and the movement through the fall of 2011. Before my career in radio, I worked as a print journalist, serving as a city desk editor, cops reporter, a music critic and features writer at the Staten Island Advance, Tribune Media Services, and The Day newspaper in New London Connecticut.
Other important information: I worked as an undocumented worker selling bags in Florence Italy for a month when I ran out of money while traveling Europe; I lived in a yurt in my parents backyard during high school, and my favorite method of entering a body of water is a pirate dive. My timeline has never been polluted by a subtweet, my best hat is made out of wool socks, and my secret to nachos I learned from my grandma: “cheese on EVERY chip.”